The present application provides a method for generating chloroplast gene modified plant cells, comprising: constructing a pair of nuclear gene modifying vectors; transforming the pair of nuclear gene modifying vectors into plant cells viaAgrobacterium; and selecting and culturing the plant cells. The nuclear gene modifying vectors comprises a promoter, a recombinant gene conferred the chloroplast transit peptide and TALEN protein domain, a terminator as well as right border and left border of T-DNA regions. Thus, by using nuclear transformation to mutate chloroplast gene, the problems such as low transformation efficiency, long selection time, labor-intensive and high cost encountering in chloroplast transformation would be avoided.本申請案提出一種產生葉綠體基因變異的轉殖植物細胞的方法,包括:建構一對前述之細胞核基因轉殖載體;透過農桿菌將所述一對細胞核基因轉殖載體併入植物細胞;以及篩選及培養植物細胞。細胞核基因轉殖載體包括啟動子、葉綠體訊息蛋白基因、重組TALEN蛋白域、終結子以及T-DNA的右邊界區及左邊界區。如此一來利用細胞核基因轉殖達到造成植物葉綠體基因變異的目標,能夠避免傳統葉綠體基因轉殖效率低、篩選時間長、耗費人力及物力等問題並達到相同目標。