The device in order to administer local vacuum medical therapy vis-a-vis the wounding region is disclosed, it has with the vacuum source which is connected to the distal (2036) end of the vacuum connected tube and the vacuum connected tube which connect the creation cavity vis-a-vis the wounding cover element and the vacuum source where this device, covers the wounding osculating element and the wounding osculating element and the wounding region in order to keep the wounding section bleeding fluid in and substantially forms the seal of airtightness.創傷部位に対して局所的負圧療法を施すための装置が開示され、この装置は、中に創傷部滲出液流体を保持するための創傷接触要素と、創傷接触要素および創傷部位を覆う実質的に気密のシールを形成する創傷カバー要素と、真空源に対して創腔を連結する真空連結チューブと、真空連結チューブの遠位端部に連結される真空源とを備える。