Procedure for detecting, intercepting and eliminating termite colonies, and the device used. # The device is made up of the following elements: # - A main body (1), open at the top, with lateral grooves (2), and a lower opening (3 ), provided with fins (4), # - A nest (7) made of wood, advantageously birch, pine, raft, or poplar, provided with a central perforation (8), and with lateral openings (9) advantageously not coincident with lateral grooves (2) of the main body (1), capable of being housed in the lower part of the main body (1), # - A holly holder (5), open at the top, provided with lateral grooves (6) advantageously coinciding with the lateral grooves (2) of the main body (1), and capable of being housed inside the main body (1) on the nest (7), communicating with it through a step (13), # - Two covers (10) (11) that close the holly holder (5) and the main body (1), # The procedure consists of: #d) Intr produce on the ground the device of the invention, making it flush with it. # e) Check if there is a presence of termites in the nest (7). # f) If yes, incorporate a toxic bait into the holder (5).Procedimiento de detección, interceptación y eliminación de colonias de termitas, y dispositivo utilizado.#El dispositivo lo forman los siguientes elementos:#- Un cuerpo principal (1), abierto superiormente, con ranuras laterales (2), y una abertura inferior (3), provisto de aletas (4),#- Un nido (7) de madera, ventajosamente abedul, pino, balsa, o chopo, provisto de una perforación central (8), y de aberturas laterales (9) ventajosamente no coincidentes con las ranuras laterales (2) del cuerpo principal (1), susceptible de alojarse en la parte inferior del cuerpo principal (1),#- Un portacebos (5), abierto superiormente, provisto de ranuras laterales (6) ventajosamente coincidentes con las ranuras laterales (2) del cuerpo principal (1), y susceptible de alojarse en el interior del cuerpo principal (1) sobre el nido (7), comunicándose con este mediante un paso (13