1. A method for eliminating stutter comprising performing speech therapy sessions, characterized in that the treatment is carried out in three phases: a preparatory, reducing and fixing, while on the preparatory phase separated "psevdozaikanie" from "true" stuttering and freed from "psevdozaikaniya" eliminating desynchronosis by synchronizing voluntary and involuntary patient and rhythms of speech therapy sessions, the normalized state of the organism, carrying out power correction by selection of suitable their food, providing a complete delivery of the protein to the muscles of the speech apparatus, then the recovery phase incrementally eliminate the causes of the "true" stuttering by enhancing compensatory possible speech muscles along the localization airway, laryngeal, articulation cramps, for pain relief, wherein the physiological condition of speech muscles below the level of speech potential, and to fix the fixing step skill algorithm generated speech to natural speech, continuing to perform the first two methods. 2. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the selection of food products is carried out taking into account of blood group patsienta.3. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the further speech therapy sessions include exercise phonation and articulation rechi.4. A method according to claim 1, characterized in that the synchronization of voluntary and involuntary patient rhythms is accomplished by frequency coherence pulse beats per minute with the performance in a multiple ratio for a given frequency of exercise and exercises in speech articulation and phonation.1. Способ устранения заикания, включающий проведение логопедических сеансов, отличающийся тем, что лечение проводят в три этапа: подготовительного, восстановительного и фиксирующего, при этом на подготовительном этапе отделяют «псевдозаикание» от «истинного» заикания и освобождают от «псевдозаикания», устраняя десинхроноз путем синхронизации произвольных и непро