PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a handle of shoulder carrying mower, in which by change of the handle position of mowers a human body axis is brought to normal, a posture is stabilized, the work becomes easy and, as the result, at the handle position of the shoulder carrying mower stabilized work with small motion by operation efficiently using an elbow and a wrist by mimicking sweeping with a bamboo broom comes out quickly and accurately, minimizing tiredness at worst.SOLUTION: As a remedial measures, the bundle position of shoulder carrying mower is changed as Fig.2 (not shown). As an improvement of the handle position, when the mower is to the ready, the position is selected the right elbow is in closed state as shown in Fig.3. The angle which twists the handle in the position at which the tip saw is on the extension of a body axis (Figs.4 and 5, not shown). The position of the handle hook is changed such that the tip saw become horizontal to the ground surface and keep the height just above the ground surface and move and change the position of the handle bracket from conventional positions to an engine side (Fig.5, not shown).【課題】本発明の草刈り機のハンドル位置は、、草刈り機のハンドル位置の変更により体軸が整い、姿勢が安定し作業が容易になる。その結果、竹ぼうきを履くように肘と手首を効率的に使った動作により少ない動きで安定した作業が速く正確にでることにより疲れを最小限に抑えます。【解決手段】この改善策として、草刈り機のバンドル位置を図2のように変更をした。ハンドル位置の改善として草刈り機を構えた時に図3右肘が閉じた状態になる位置に変更した。チップソーが体の体軸の延長線上にある位置でハンドルをねじる角度を変更した(図4、図5)。チップソーが地面に対し水平になりさらに地面のぎりぎりの高さが維持できるようハンドルフックの位置を変更しハンドルブラケットの位置を従来の位置よりエンジン側に移動変更した(図5)【選択図】図1