The invention relates to agricultural engineering and can be used for raking, hay tedding and the doubling of the rolls in the treatment of large areas.Tedder horizontal conveyor includes a frame 1 with a coupling and support wheels 2 and 3. On the frame 1 are installed pulleys 4 and 5 on the pulleys - the endless belt 6 with tine arms 7, which is a working body Tedder.New is that the working body is mounted in a horizontal plane and is capable of changing the angle of inclination relative to the horizontal plane at 0 ... 15 °. When raking tines 7 attached to the belt 6, mown hay capture, transport it on stubble and cast into the shield 11, forming a roll. When tedding tine arms 7 are introduced successively into a roll vspushivayut and move it to the screen 11 without complete rupture.In addition, the work can be carried out changes in the slope of the rake with respect to the direction of movement of the unit in the 0 ... 25 ° device 9, which will increase the efficiency of the machine.Tedder rake can be used for the doubling of the rolls, making the next pass in the opposite direction to the previous roll forming roll that can improve the performance of subsequent operations kopneniya and pressing. Due to operational changes in the slope of Tedder speed increases relative to the direction of travel. The device will increase the productivity of the machine-tractor unit and reduce losses during raking.1 SP f BACKGROUND ZP 1 f-ly, 4 Fig.Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению и может быть использовано для сгребания, ворошения сена и сдваивания валков при обработке больших площадей.Грабли-ворошилка горизонтально-конвейерные включают раму 1 со сцепным устройством и опорными колесами 2 и 3. На раму 1 установлены шкивы 4 и 5 на шкивы - бесконечный ремень 6 с граблинами 7, являющийся рабочим органом граблей-ворошилки.Новым является то, что рабочий орган установлен в горизонтальной плоскости и выполнен с возможностью изменения угла наклона относит