The present invention relates to a moisture supply facial mask using hydrogenated water, which can spray the hydrogenated water onto a face with fine water droplets by ultrasonic waves, replace consumed hydrogenated water, or generate and use hydrogenated water by electrolysis. Presented is a moisture supply facial mask using hydrogenated water for moisturizing a face by supplying moisture to the inside of a facial mask fixed to the face, wherein the facial mask is detachably provided with a moisture supply member for supplying moisture to an oscillator so as to spray fine water droplets on the face by ultrasonic vibration, and the inside of the moisture supply member is filled with hydrogenated water or filled with water to be converted into hydrogenated water by electrolysis. Accordingly, the present invention has the effect that the oscillator vibrating by ultrasonic waves converts the supplied hydrogenated water into fine water droplets, and sprays the fine water droplets on the face, so that moisture is supplied more smoothly and the moisturizing effect is maximized. In addition, the present invention is more economical and convenient since it is possible to replace consumed hydrogenated water or generate hydrogenated water directly by electrolyzing water.La présente invention concerne un masque facial dalimentation en humidité utilisant de leau hydrogénée, qui peut pulvériser leau hydrogénée sur un visage avec de fines gouttelettes deau par des ondes ultrasonores, remplacer leau hydrogénée consommée, ou générer et utiliser de leau hydrogénée par électrolyse. Linvention concerne un masque facial dalimentation en humidité utilisant de leau hydrogénée pour hydrater un visage en fournissant de lhumidité à lintérieur dun masque facial fixé sur le visage, le masque facial étant pourvu de façon détachable dun élément dalimentation en humidité permettant de fournir de lhumidité à un oscillateur de façon à pulvériser de fines gouttelettes deau sur le visage par vibrati