Трунин Дмитрий Александрович (RU),Бажутов Владимир Степанович (RU),Бажутова Ирина Владимировна (RU)
The utility model relates to medicine, surgical stomatology, in particular to devices intended for fixing all types of membranes for the bone tissue by means of metal pins with plastics of various kinds of bone defects jaws. The purpose of the utility model is to provide a device for fixing pins, which allows to increase the reliability and quality of manipulations to pin the capture, hold, transfer into the oral cavity, fixing to the bone, freely disconnected and removed after the installation pin, which will significantly improve treatment efficiency and reduce the risk of damage to health of patients with all types of bone defects, which use different types of membranes correction. Designed device for fixing pin reduces the time and trauma surgery, associated with the decline in the operating pin and wound mouth, excludes additional expenses arising from damage to expensive pin, can significantly extend the life of the tool due to the absence of unforeseen impacts on the collet. The object is achieved in that the housing is provided apparatus for fixing the pins put the mechanism of action on collet consisting of a stroke and pressure rods, feet and a compression spring, allowing first securely fix the pin, and after the installation of the bone easily disconnect collet and output device from the cavity mouth. This device for fixing pins can be widely used in surgical wards and dental maxillofacial surgery, in ambulatory practice dental surgeons and periodontists.Пмокмихс вчку пдфввмнктспмпппрвкдч Цспмярудфп пуникмсппз у пврп фккт соиипуп чспэлисрпвзпсввкд пккирвм Рудфпувито ссппворипр идфз вппдп пзпссизсонвнц Цдт чвкрудфпвмвнц сиуипш липс пснфп апувклоцзивуипр Дудфпмшпвохсичлх вапсхип