The invention relates to a bone cement applicator having a cartridge (1) withan interior (2), acartridge head (4) with a delivery opening (5), a mixing member (6) which ismovable in theinterior (2) with a mixing rod (7), a delivery plunger (3) which is arrangedin the cartridge (1)and which is mounted in the interior (2) so as to be pressable in thedirection of the deliveryopening (5), wherein the delivery plunger (3) rests with an outer cylindricalcircumferentialsurface (44) against an inner wall of the cartridge (1), and at least oneclamping element (8)which is arranged on the inner wall of the cartridge (1) in the region of aback side of the interior(2), wherein the at least one clamping element (8) projects out of the innerwall of the cartridge(1), wherein the cylindrical circumferential surface (44) of the deliveryplunger (3) is resilientlydeformable by the at least one clamping element (8) in the direction of acentral cylinder axis,such that the delivery plunger (3) is clampable in place with the at least oneclamping element(8) on the back side of the cartridge (1).The invention also relates to a method for producing a bone cement paste usingsuch a bonecement applicator.