The present invention relates to a septal alignment splint from the need to decrease the presence of nasal septum deviations in patients already operated with a nasal septum bypass, since patients operated after two or three years later, present the same symptomatology to be subjected to the said procedure. In said cases, the nasal partition is again deflected almost in the same characteristics, due to the premature removal of the traditional nasal cap, which maximum could be left to seven days. Said period of time is insufficient to consolidate the nasal septum into its new position, thereby allowing the cartilage again adopts its original shape. The present invention aims to achieve hemostasis postoperatively and to reduce discomfort during the period of plugging by allowing some nasal passage of air and to achieve the alignment of the septum for the time necessary to avoid recurrences. Also, it relates to a two-sided plastic section, a flat and a convex surface where the flat face is to contact the surface of the nasal partition and the convex face, which serves to contact the surface of the lower body and part of the medium body, a periphery where the convex face and flat face are joined by angled edges to facilitate contact with the inner surfaces of the nose.La presente férula de alineación septal nace de la necesidad de disminuir la presencia de desviaciones del tabique nasal en pacientes ya operados de una desviación del tabique nasal ya que sabemos de pacientes operados de la nariz, al cabo de 2 o 3 años después, regresan con la misma sintomatología que los llevó a someterse a dicho procedimiento, encontramos que el tabique nasal está nuevamente desviado casi en las mismas características, lo cual es debido a el retiro prematuro del tapona miento nasal tradicional, que máximo pudo dejarse hasta 7 días, lo cual es insuficiente para consolidar el tabique nasal a su nueva posición, dejando ver que con el tiempo, el cartílago, adopta nuevamente su forma origina