A vascular filter device comprises a support frame and filter elements. The filter elements (765, 834, 842, 904, 906) extend from the support frame towards filter element ends and form an apex (767, 835, 845, 905) at which they are interconnected. The apex is located at or near a central axis of the vascular filter device. The support frame comprises a proximal hoop (761, 831, 841, 901), a distal hoop (763, 855), and interconnecting struts (762, 764, 832, 836, 846, 844, 902). The distal hoop comprises an array of V-shaped struts (766, 837, 842, 903) and extension struts (764, 836, 847, 902) connecting the array of said V-shaped struts to the connector struts (762, 832, 902), and the V-shaped struts are not directly interconnected.