[Problem] To provide a three-wheeled foot-pedaled wheelchair that is capable of small turns that approach spin-turning with simple operations and without limitation and which is compact, easy to get on and get off, and has improved safety when traveling and when turning. [Solution] The problem is solved by a three-wheeled foot-pedaled wheelchair equipped with: a single front driving wheel to which rotational motive power in the forward and reverse directions resulting from foot-pedaling is transmitted another single front free-ranging wheel that is paired with said driving wheel and a single steerable steering wheel that is provided separately from the driving wheel and the free-ranging wheel. The wheelchair is configured so that changing the direction of forward movement 180 degrees using small turning is accomplished, when turning in one direction, by steering the steering wheel exaggeratedly in the one direction to apply a forward rotation to the driving wheel and is accomplished, when turning in the other direction, by selecting a mode of steering the steering wheel exaggeratedly in one direction and a mode of steering exaggeratedly in the other direction to apply a reverse rotation to the driving wheel.Linvention vise à procurer une chaise roulante à pédales aux pieds à trois roues qui est apte à effectuer des virages serrés qui sapprochent dun demi-tour sur place avec des opérations simples et sans limitation, et qui est compacte, facile pour y rentrer et pour en sortir, et qui a une sécurité améliorée lors du déplacement et du virage. A cet effet, linvention porte sur une chaise roulante à pédales aux pieds à trois roues, laquelle chaise roulante comporte : une roue dentraînement avant unique à laquelle une puissance motrice de rotation dans les directions avant et arrière résultant dun pédalage aux pieds est transmise une autre roue libre avant unique qui est appariée à ladite roue dentraînement et un volant de direction pouvant être dirigé unique qui est