Yi Seed blood vessel Guan Liu Installed are set, and are Will blood vessels with perfusion Ye Jin row perfusion Come Concept Measuring Xue Guan Expansion Zhang Changeization. The Lose that the perfusion Single members that The blood vessel Guan Liu Installed are set include a Inner rooms, extend to The Inner rooms Inner enters pipe and a Lose outlet pipes, and the ends the Two Shi Fen Do Even of The blood vessels lead to The Lose Ru Guan With Lose outlet pipesThe Inner room Shi Chong Full have a certain amount of Pei Raising Ye And that blood vessel is made to impregnate what wherein. Jin row Guan Liu Time, which are Will perfusates, enters pipe injection by The Lose, if perfusate The by Xue Guan With The Lose enters pipe or Lose outlet pipe Even connect Office Lou Chu Time Tou Over mono- Even lead to what The Inner rooms Surveillance Measuring Single member Ke Yi Concept observe Shang the liquid level of Pei Raising liquid Sheng Now as, Er situation that Surveillance Measuring leak outside to perfusate.一種血管灌流裝置,是將血管以灌流液進行灌流來觀測血管擴張變化。該血管灌流裝置的灌流單元包括一內容室、延伸至該內容室內的一輸入管及一輸出管,該血管的兩端是分別連通該輸入管與輸出管;該內容室是充滿有一定量的培養液並使血管浸泡於其中。進行灌流時是將灌流液由該輸入管注入,若灌流液經由血管與該輸入管或是輸出管的連接處漏出時,透過一連通於該內容室的偵測單元可以觀察到培養液之液面上升的現象,而偵測到灌流液外漏的情形。