The invention relates to a device for performing a rapid and effective circumcision by tightening the two banks of the foreskin which will allow them to be fused by mechanical haemostasis and thus operate a painless incision that does not require general anesthesia. It consists of a clamp (9) traditionally called "mogen" composed of a left part (1) having an orifice at its base (7) and a right part (2) having a fixing washer at its base (8) interconnected by a fixing screw (5) allowing a movement of amplitude of opening and closing. The clamp (9) is curved at its center and specifically dug at its end. A handle (4) is connected to the clamp (9) via a closing piece (3) fixed to the base of the handle (4) by a fixing pin (6) on the one hand, and at the end of the left part of the clamp (1) by another axis (6) on the other hand. Once the clip (9) has been slid and tightened on the foreskin, the user will have to operate the handle (4) from left to right, which will introduce the closure piece (3) into the clip (9) to block the prepuce. until you can (4) snap it and lock the device. This will tighten the two banks of the foreskin to merge them by mechanical haemostasis. The device according to the invention is particularly intended to facilitate circumcisions or posthectomies that are ritual, aesthetic, hygienic or therapeutic and thus aims to modernize the equipment of practitioners. L'invention concerne un dispositif permettant d'effectuer une circoncision rapide et efficace en resserrant les deux berges du prépuce ce qui va permettre de les faire fusionner par hémostase mécanique et d'ainsi opérer une incision indolore ne nécessitant pas d'anesthésie générale. Il est constitué d'une pince (9) appelée traditionnellement «mogen» composée d'une partie gauche (1) présentant un orifice à sa base (7) et d'une partie droite (2) présentant une rondelle de fixation à sa base (8) reliées entre elles par une vis de fixation (5) permettant un mouvement d'amplit