FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to medical equipment. In the method realisation ECG graphs and graphs of tracks of coordinates of the heart electric activity source are built in the system of coordinates, connected to electrodes on the patients body. After that, the time "zone of beginning" of a P/Q impulse is identified. In the "zone of beginning" a time ECG track is approximated and an intersection of an approximated curve with an isoline is found to determine the time moment of the point of P/Q "beginning". The determined time moments of the "beginning" points are transferred onto an initial track of impulses. The origin of the myocardium coordinate system is transferred into the determined point P of the track. Coordinates of the sinus node of the myocardium SU are tied to the track origin for the complex P, and those of the interventricular septum IVS - to the track origin for the impulse Q. The device for the method realisation contains an electrocardiograph, a unit for the identification of the time area of the "beginning" of the impulse P/Q, a unit of fixation of the "beginning" point on the graph of the tracks and a unit of transfer of the primary system of coordinates into the myocardium coordinate system.EFFECT: group of inventions makes it possible to increase the efficiency of electrocardiographic examination due to an increased accuracy in the measurement of coordinates of the heart electric activity source.2 cl, 5 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к медицинской технике. При осуществлении способа строят графики ЭКГ и графики треков координат источника электрической активности сердца в системе координат, привязанных к электродам на теле пациента. Далее по графику ЭКГ выделяют временную «зону начала» импульса P/Q. В «зоне начала» аппроксимируют временной трек ЭКГ и находят пересечение аппроксимированной кривой с изолинией для определения момента времени точки «начала» P/Q. Найденные моменты времени точек «начала» переносят на исходны