The present invention relates to fattening (closed) cattle, a specific mixture of leafy food with the non-use of corn grain in the diet and on the throat of the innocuous use of a large percentage of grains without soaking. By combining the elements of dry food (minced grain and cereals) with cereal foods (vegetables), it provides a variety of nutrition and achieves a significant increase in daily increment. The key to the success of nutrition is the type of two dominant elements of nutrition and their mutual relationship. The mutual relationship between cereals and vegetables is more variable, the excess of cereals in the diet passes through the body unused. If heifers into average 6 kg per day on their throat daily. cereals, then the percentage of vegetables is increased, and how much they bring in a smaller 6kg cereal. then the percentage of vegetables is reduced in order to get the best increment.Predmetni pronalazak se odnosi na tov (zatvorene) junadi, specifinom mešavinom kabaste biljne hrane uz ne korišćenje zrna kukuruza u ishrani i po grla neškodivo korišćenje velikog procenta žitaria bez natapanja. Kombinacijom elemenata suve hrane (mleveno zrno i žitarice) sa stočnom kabastom hranom (povrće), se omogućava raznovrsna ishrana i postiže značajno povećanje dnevnog prirasta. Ključno za uspeh ishrane je vrsta dva dominantna elementa ishrane i njihov međusobni odnos. Međusobni odnos između žitarica i povrća je promenijiv, višak žitarica u ishrani prolazi kroz organizam neiskorišćen. U koliko junad u proseku po grlu dnevno unose u organizam veću količinu od 6kg. żitarica, onda se povećava procenat povrća, a u koliko unose manju količinu žitarica od 6kg. onda se smanjuje procenat povrća da bi se dobio najbolji prirast.