the object of the application is way to produce powdered flax oil, non carbohydrate and linseed oil in the form of powder, completely soluble in fit for consumption of fluids.especially in water, containing valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids, for use in nutrient preparations.process for the production of powdered flax oil is such that the obtained fraction oil, linseed oil mixed in temperature from 55\u00b0c to 68\u00b0c,with emulgatorem having a hlb of 3.0 - 18,0, in a proportion of from 60% to 70% by weight of linseed oil in relation to the desired quantity of the finished product and from 7.5% to 8.5% by weight of an relation to the quantity of oil that are homogenised subsequently protein fraction.the protein fraction is obtained by mixing with water in the proportion of bezw\u0119glowodanowego protein from 1: 5 to 1: 7, involving an emulsifier with a hlb of 7 - 18.homogenisation both fractions leads to obtaining a homogenous mixture of fatty protein, which then cools and is dried.powdered flaxseed oil contains at least 21% protein fraction, at least 60% by weight of fat fraction and a maximum of 10% of the water.the fat fraction contains: at least 74% unsaturated fatty acids.including: jednonienasycony oleic acid - omega - 9 (c10: 1) on the chain length of 18 carbon atoms and polyunsaturated fatty acids.such as: linoleic acid - omega - 6 (c18: 2) and alpha linolenic acid (omega - 3 (c18:3).in addition, the fat fraction contains a maximum of 10% saturated fatty acids, including saturated palmitic acid (c16:0) and saturated stearic acid (c18:0).Przedmiotem zgłoszenia jest sposób wytwarzania sproszkowanego oleju lnianego, pozbawionego węglowodanów oraz olej lniany w postaci proszkowej, całkowicie rozpuszczalny w zdatnych do spożycia płynach, zwłaszcza w wodzie, zawierający cenne wielonienasycone kwasy tłuszczowe, do stosowania w preparatach odżywczych. Sposób wytwarzania sproszkowanego oleju lnianego charakteryzuje się tym, że uzyskuje się frakcję