A device for easily installing and detaching contact lenses from an eye includes a contact lens attaching unit which is slightly larger than the area of an eye and has an concave surface for attaching with a contact eye the surface having a highly coarse area a retainer having a focus hole at a center region thereof for aligning to the center of the contact lens a handle an operating rod connecting to the attaching unit and the handle for pulling the attaching unit downwards so as to detach the contact lens from the eye and a spring for restoring the contact lens to the original position. The present invention can be used to align with an eye of the user. When the user pushes the operating rod, the attaching unit will interact. The advantage of the present invention is that the eye can be protected from the germs from the fingers so as not to dirt the eye.一種不沾手之可便利安裝及卸除隱形眼鏡的裝置,包含:一隱形眼鏡吸附裝置,該裝置包含:一形狀大於人體眼珠之範圍,其中該凹弧面形成一隱形眼鏡吸附面,該隱形眼鏡吸附面上形成至少一高摩擦區域;一固定架,中央形成一對焦孔,以利使用者對準吸附於眼球上之隱形眼鏡的位置;一握把,以掌控方向及穩定位置;一操作桿,連接隱形眼鏡吸附裝置與握把,可下拉該操作桿可牽動隱形眼鏡吸附裝置向下,並將吸附於眼球上之隱形眼鏡卸除;一伸縮彈簧,令該隱形眼鏡吸附裝置回復到原來的位置。本發明可讓使用者透過本拆裝器對準眼部位置,推動操作桿使其牽動整個隱形眼鏡吸附裝置,也可以保護眼睛不會因為指甲縫內的細菌是污垢造成眼睛感染。10...隱形眼鏡吸附裝置11...對焦孔20...隱形眼鏡吸附面40...固定架50...操作桿60...握把61...伸縮彈簧