< Topic >The occasion where at the time of disaster the person is conveyed when evacuating making use of the backpack, the backpack which possesses the function in order to lighten the burden of the load of the person who is shouldered is offered.SolutionsIn back rest 4 for the shouldering where it designates the flexible pipe 1 which is bent in the letter of ko of pair as four these feet, in the surface furthermore in the framework body of the chair form junction the flexible pipe which is bent in the letter of ko as pedestal 2 and upper handle 3 for the assistance person, junction the back rest 4 for the shouldering where it can bend top in the letter of U, furthermore, junction L letter lower part handle 5 for the assistance person to one body on left and right inside 4 these feet which are bent in the letter of ko of pair, makes the backpack, can bend the aforementioned top in the letter of U, for shoulderingShoulder strap 6 the belt 7 which locks the person who shoulders, in addition, neck applying belt 8 for the assistance person is provided the pedestal in 2 which is produced with the flexible pipe which is bent in the letter of ko and upper handle 3 for the assistance person.< Choice figure >Drawing 3【課題】災害時避難時に背負子を用いて人を搬送する際に、背負う人の荷重の負担を軽減するための機能を有する背負子を提供する。【解決手段】一対のコの字に曲げたパイプ1を四本の足とし、その上面に更にコの字に曲げたパイプを台座2及び介助者用上部ハンドル3として接合したイス形状の枠体に、上部がUの字に曲げられた背負い用の背もたれ4を接合し、更に、一対のコの字に曲げた4本の足うち左右に介助者用のL字下部ハンドル5を一体的に接合して背負子を作り、前述の上部がUの字に曲げられた背負い用の背もたれ4には、背負い用肩ベルト6と背負われる人を固定するベルト7、また、コの字に曲げたパイプでできた台座2及び介助者用上部ハンドル3には介助者用の首掛けベルト8を設けている。【選択図】図3