The syrup eliminator of tumors. The present invention relates to the syrup eliminator of tumors, composed of (zinhgiber officinal).Mint cálcium, carbonate, water, glycerin, sodium lauryl sulfate sodium,,, monfluoropahate, celulosegum, aroma, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, sodium bicarbonate, benziy, alcohol, saccharin sodium.Hidroxide. Cofêm comfiene. Monofluofosfato sodium, oil, camphene, felondren zingirona, zingibereno, antebactericida, moisturizing colorant.The property of healing, nutrients and gel for treatment of tumors and tumors of the thyroid to internal, herpes.xarope eliminador de tumores. a presente invenção refere-se ao xarope eliminador de tumores, composto de (zinhgiber officinal). menta cálcium, carbonate, água glycerin, sodium, lauryl, sulfate sodium, monfluoropahate, celulosegum, aroma, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, sodium bicarbonate, benziy, alcohol, saccharin sodium, hidroxide. cofêm comfiene. monofluofosfato de sodium, óleo canfeno, felondren zingirona, zingibereno,antebactericida, hidratante corante. propriedade cicatrizante, nutrientes e gel para tratamento de tumores interno e ate tumores da tireóide, herpes.