An infusion-leakage detection device includes: a substrate; a circuit with an infusion-leakage detection region formed on the substrate and aligned to an IV catheter which is inserted into a blood vessel of a patient, and the region includes at least a light-emitting element emitting a light with wavelength within the second optical window of biological organization and at least a light detector receiving the light to generate an electrical signal; and a circuit and battery region formed on the substrate, including a control and calculation unit connecting to the light-emitting element, and an acceleration detector connecting to the control and calculation unit, sensing body movement of a patient and providing a body-movement signal to the control and calculation unit. A remote monitoring system including the infusion-leakage detection device and remote equipment which receive information of leakage/no-leakage and alarm signal to monitor infusion-leakage status remotely.一種輸液洩漏偵測與輸液阻斷與監控系統,包含:一輸液洩漏偵測裝置、一輸液阻斷裝置以及監控系統;其中,輸液洩漏偵測裝置用以偵測一目標組織於發生血管輸液洩漏時產生一輸液洩漏警示訊號,包含:一基板;基板包括一電路與液洩漏偵測區、一入針對應區,其中,該入針對應區配置於該輸液洩漏偵測區之一側,該入針對應區為半透明狀、透明狀或一缺口,以便該輸液洩漏偵測裝置可藉由該入針對應區看到插入一人體的一針頭的位置而準確將該入針對應區置於該針頭上方;輸液阻斷裝置裝置於一血管輸液管路,當接收該輸液洩漏警示訊號時,阻斷該血管輸液管路,以防止輸液洩漏惡化。監控系統係在遠端,藉輸液洩漏偵測裝置與輸液阻斷裝置以無線方式將訊號傳達近來。此監控系統可包含無線傳遞設備(包含網路)及終端電腦或手機。