During medical use crutches when walking and standing in a patient there is a need to sit down to rest. To do this, there is not always able to find a place to sit, for example in the street."Crutches medical soft-seat" discount like device that allows the patient to convert crutches axillary classical construction, consisting of a double rack in the upper part, passing into a single support with a rubber tip, beams for armpit at the top, handles for hands fixed in the middle part of the double rack in the seat, a chair with four legs.The main technical result of the proposed model, in relation to the existing medical structures crutches, is the ability to transform into crutches seat seats simple tilting arm. Thus legs fixed on the seat, with a seat decomposed synchronously and rigidly fixed retaining devices. Folding the seats is done by moving the hand to the open state seat retainer and seat transfer of the closed status automatically, under the action of the return spring seat, adjoining it to the double rack crutch.The peculiarity of the proposed construction of "bone health with a folding seat" is the compactness of the device in the position intended for walking, the possibility of additional support for the transfer of body weight (for patients with spinal cord injuries) on his armpit part of one arm, drawing her while sitting on the handle for hands .Construction "crutch medical convertible seat shown in FIG. 3, p. 14 FIG. 4, p. 15.Во время пользования костылями медицинскими при ходьбе и стоянии у пациента возникает необходимость присесть отдохнуть. Для этого не всегда имеется возможность найти место для сидения, например на улице.«Костыли медицинские с откидным сидением» предлагаются, как устройство, позволяющее пациенту преобразовать костыли подмышечные классической конструкции, состоящей из двойной стойки в верхней части, переходящей в одинарную опору с резиновым наконечником, перекладины для подмышки в верхней части, рукоятки для кистей рук, закрепленн