A bufferable femoral implant includes a metallic main body, and an elastomer member integrally formed or connected to a lower portion of the metallic main body, whereby when an external force acts upon the femoral implant as implanted in a patient's femur, the elastomer member as packed within the medullary cavity in the femur will bufferably dampen such an external force for safely protecting the patient's femur, the femoral implant and the related hip bones.一種具緩衝段之股骨柄,係包括:一金屬本體,製自金屬材料,含有一基柱部,可伸入患者之股骨的髓腔中,於該基柱部的頂端,可供連接一人工股骨頭,並於該基柱部之底端,縱長地軸向突伸一聯動桿者;以及一彈性體,製自如PU等彈性材料,貫穿有一穿孔,以容許該聯動桿穿置於內,而該彈性體的理想軸向長度是大於3公分者;其特徵在於,藉由該聯動桿除可以提供縱長股骨柄有足夠的強度,另外,當植入於患者髓腔中之股骨柄產生巨量彎力矩時,該聯動桿可以與患者之髓腔,彈性擠壓該段彈性體,而緩衝、抵銷整根股骨柄及患者股骨瞬間所承受的應力,避免造成股骨或股骨柄斷裂。