An active flexible far-infrared ray emission device, comprising a flexible far-infrared ray release unit and an excitation unit. The far-infrared ray release unit includes a soft base layer, a conductive layer capable of releasing far-infrared rays, and a protective layer capable of releasing far-infrared rays, the conductive layer is combined between the soft base layer and the protective layer. The excitation unit and the far-infrared ray release unit are electrically connected to excite the conductive layer and the protective layer for releasing far-infrared rays, whereby when in use the far-infrared ray release unit, it is able to match with the human body curve to contact with human skin or be collaborated with the industrial design for performing a near-field irradiation on the human body, thus significantly improving the thermotherapy effect of the far-infrared rays, in addition, the overall structure of the device particularly allows the outdoor use, and is unrestricted by the use premises, which offers a better use in convenience.一種主動可撓式遠紅外線發射裝置,包含一具可撓性之遠紅外線釋放單元,以及一激發單元。該遠紅外線釋放單元包括一軟質基層、一能釋放遠紅外線之傳導層,及一能釋放遠紅外線之保護層,該傳導層是結合於該軟質基層與該保護層間。而該激發單元與該遠紅外線釋放單元電性連接並用以激發該傳導層與該保護層釋放遠紅外線。藉此在使用上,該遠紅外線釋放單元可配合人體曲度而接觸人體皮膚或是配合工業設計進行近距離的照射人體,使得遠紅外線的溫熱治療效果能大幅提昇,另外,整體構造更便於外出攜帶使用,使用場所不受限,使用便利性更佳。2‧‧‧遠紅外線釋放單元21‧‧‧軟質基層22‧‧‧傳導層23‧‧‧保護層3‧‧‧激發單元