The present invention discloses a muscle testing device. The muscle testing device of the present invention includes an inflatable sphere, a pair of shell-shaped components, a pressurizing belt, a pair of gripping strips, a pressure sensor, and a flexible tube. Internal pressure of the sphere can be monitored by the pressure sensor, and the tube is connected between the sphere and the pressure sensor. The sphere is made of an elastic material and the internal pressure of the sphere is expanded to a predetermined pressure. The pair of shell-shaped components is detachably configured at two opposite sides of the sphere for covering two separated opposite sections of an outer surface of the sphere. The pressurizing belt is arranged on the pair of shell-shaped components for surrounding the sphere. The two gripping strips are respectively fixed to two opposite sides of the pressurizing belt relative to the sphere. When in use, the gripping strips are pulled apart outwardly, such that the tension is applied to the pressurizing belt capable of pulling the two shell-shaped components closer to each other, so as to increase the internal pressure of the sphere. When muscle is exercised, a change of the internal pressure of the sphere can be sensed by the pressure sensor.本發明揭示一種肌肉測試裝置。本發明之肌肉測試裝置包括一可膨脹之球體、一對蚌殼狀構件及、一加壓帶、一對握把帶及、一壓力感應器及一可彎曲之管子。該壓力感應器可監測該球體之內部壓力,而該管子被連接於該球體與該壓力感應器之間。該球體係由有彈性之一材料所構成且其內部壓力被膨脹至一預先決定之壓力。該對蚌殼狀構件及以可被釋放之方式被裝配於該球體之對向之二側,以覆蓋該球體之外部表面之被間隔開來之對向之二區段。該加壓帶係設置於該對蚌殼狀構件及之上,以環繞該球體。該對握把帶及分別被固定於該加壓帶之相對於該球體之對向之二側。在使用時,當我們將該對握把帶及向外拉開,張力會施加於該加壓帶且可將該對蚌殼狀構件及相互地拉近,於是該球體之內部壓力就會增加。當肌肉運動被施行時,該壓力感應器可感應該球體之內部壓力之變化。10...肌肉測試裝置12...球體14...壓力感應器16...管子18...空氣幫浦20...電腦22.1、22.2...蚌殼狀構件24...外部表面26...加壓帶27...封閉環狀件28.1、28.2...封閉環狀握把帶30...箭頭