Equipment for fermentation of beverages, particularly kombucha, that limits alcohol production during fermentation, increases throughput by reducing fermentation times, and utilizes production plant floorspace efficiently. Unlike traditional fermentation equipment that uses large, often cylindrical, vats, embodiments of the invention use vertical stacks of relatively shallow fermentation trays. The shallow trays increase the ratio of surface area to liquid volume, thereby improving oxygen flow to the fermenting liquid; increased oxygen flow reduces alcohol production for kombucha and reduces fermentation time. Air gaps between trays in the vertical stack, and headspace between the top of the fermenting liquid and the tray top edges, are optimized to promote oxygen flow. Fermentation trays are stacked vertically to maintain high production capacity with limited facility floorspace. An additional benefit of vertically stacked shallow trays is that heat generated by fermentation flows vertically up the stack, warming the trays without an external heat source.