КУЗЬМИЧЕВА Ирина Александровна; Iryna Oleksandrivna;KUZMYCHOVA;KUZMYCHOVA, Iryna Oleksandrivna
KUZMYCHOVA, Iryna Oleksandrivna,КУЗЬМИЧЕВА Ирина Александровна
The invention relates to medicine, psychology and automated psycho-semantic testing. The present method involves displaying semantic stimuli in a masked unconscious form and a conscious form, where the stimuli are words, numbers or combinations thereof from blocks classified as "Meaningful" and "Meaningless". Furthermore, once the test subject's sensory and fine motor responses have adjusted, the subject's behavioural and/or physiological reactions are registered with a note of the response time to an unconscious stimulus, and error types are ranked. The reaction of the test subject is registered in the form of three types of fine motor movements on the part of the test subject: time taken to press a mouse button after a stimulus is displayed, button hold-down time, and button release time in the present moment. The number of times a test stimulus is displayed is determined according to the reaction times thereto. Test questions, namely 2-4-word phrases containing no more than 32 characters, are displayed on the screen of a monitor operating at a fixed frequency of 60 Hz. The frequency with which masked questions are displayed in the test is varied. The time for which a randomly selected type of stimulus is displayed is 16.6-34 ms. One type of symbol is displayed once or repeatedly for a fixed duration. Different types of symbols are displayed for differing durations. In the place where a stimulus has been displayed, a masker is subsequently displayed for 500-700 ms, said masker being a random set of numbers, and a pause is maintained for 150-250 ms. The level of operator readiness is maintained by the display of unconscious stimuli in the form of simple geometric figures. The total duration of the test is 8-25 minutes. Questions alternate between the "Meaningful" and "Meaningless" blocks. To confirm or refute the reliability of the results, stimuli are additionally displayed, thus building up a statistically significant frequency. The reaction to each individual st