FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions includes versions of a dental implant, relates to the field of medicine, in particular to dentistry, and is intended for the application in prosthetics on implants. The dental implant contains a body, which has proximal and distal parts. The proximal part with at least one proximal hole is configured with a possibility of fixation to it of a prosthesis provided with an installation element, configured with a possibility of fastening the prosthesis to the implant. The distal part has a distal end, in which or near which at least one distal hole is made, and which is configured with a possibility of implantation being performed directly into the upper or lower jaw. The implant body additionally contains: at least one internal channel with the provision of connection by flow between at least one proximal hole and at least the first part of the outer environment near the distal end through at least one distal hole and an internal channel, and a separating unit, made separately from the installation element of the prosthesis and configured with a possibility of selective and reversible disruption of the connection by the flow independently on the fact whether the prosthesis is fixed to the dental implant or not fixed.EFFECT: bone volume, sufficient for the fixation of the implant in the alveolar process of the jaw bone is provided.46 cl, 39 dwgГруппа изобретений включает варианты зубного имплантата, относится к области медицины, в частности к стоматологии, и предназначена для использования при протезировании на имплантатах. Зубной имплантат содержит корпус, имеющий проксимальный и дистальный участки. Проксимальный участок по меньшей мере с одним проксимальным отверстием сконфигурирован с возможностью прикрепить к нему протез, который снабжен установочным элементом, сконфигурированным с возможностью прикрепления протеза к имплантату. Дистальный участок имеет дистальный конец, в котором или вблизи которого выполнено по меньшей