1. An implantable defibrillator, comprising: a wire electrode system which has at least one wire electrode and at least three electrodes, a controller configured to determine whether there is a heart fibrillation, and to provide a control signal if fibrillation has a place voltage igenerator in connection with the electrode wire system and the controller in order to sequentially discharge the at least a first defibrillation pulse and a second defibrillation pulse at the electrode wire system after receiving the control signal, wherein the first defibrillation pulse creates a first electric field through two of at least three electrode and a second defibrillation pulse creates a second electric field across the two of the at least three electrodes in a direction different from that of at the first electrical polya.2. Implantable defibrillator according to Claim. 1, wherein the wiring electrode further comprises a first electrode, a second electrode, a third electrode and a fourth electrode located along one of the electrode wires, wherein the first electrode and the second electrode form a first pair of electrodes and the third electrode and the fourth electrode form a second pair elektrodov.3. The implantable defibrillator of claim. 2, wherein the first electrode is located in the right ventricle, a second electrode and a third electrode positioned in the pulmonary artery and the fourth electrode located in the right predserdii.4. The implantable defibrillator of claim. 2, wherein the first electrode is located in the right atrium, a second electrode and a third electrode positioned in the pulmonary artery and quat1. Имплантируемый дефибриллятор, который содержит:систему проводов электродов, которая имеет по меньшей мере один провод электрода и по меньшей мере три электродаконтроллер, сконфигурированный для того, чтобы определять, имеет ли место фибрилляция сердца, и давать сигнал управления, если фибрилляция имеет место игенератор напряжения в связи с системой пров