The subject of the invention are ground and dusted straw and a process for its production and solve technical problems of providing natural litter that absorbs moisture well, ensures lower litter consumption to ensure adequate living conditions for animals and prevents acidification of the soil resulting from disposal of other types of litter containing wood components, on arable land. Quality straw is used as an input raw material in the production of ground and dusted straw. Large bales of straw are shredded with a straw chopper and cut to a certain length, after which the straw is crushed with a mill, where the desired length of straw is adjusted using sieves, after which the crushed straw is dusted with sieves and vacuum suction or removed. fine particles, after which the product is packed with foil in bales in the form of squares. Compared to conventional straw, which absorbs moisture only at the ends or breaks, by cutting and grinding, the straw absorbs moisture along its entire length.Predmet izuma sta mleta in odprašena slama in postopek za njeno proizvodnjo in rešujeta tehnične probleme zagotovitve naravne stelje, ki dobro absorbira vlago, zagotavlja manjšo porabo stelje za zagotovitev ustreznih bivalnih pogojev živali in preprečuje zakisanje zemlje, ki nastane pri odlaganju drugih vrst nastilja, ki vsebujejo lesne komponente, na njivske površine. Kot vhodna surovina pri proizvodnji mlete in odprašene slame, se uporabi kakovostna slama. Velike bale slame, se s sekalnikom za slamo razdrejo in narežejo na določeno dolžino, nakar se slama zdrobi z mlinom, kjer se z uporabo sit prilagodi željena dolžina slame, nakar se drobljena slama odpraši s pomočjo sit in odsesavanja s podtlakom oziroma se iz nje odstranijo fini delci, nakar se izdelek pakira s folijo v bale v obliki kvadrov. V primerjavi z običajno slamo, ki vpija vlago samo ob koncih oziroma prelomih, se z rezanjem in mletjem doseže, da slama vpija vlago po celotni dolžini.