FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to cardiac surgery. Right anterolateral minithoracotomy is performed. First, pericardium is cut parallel to diaphragmatic nerve from orifice of superior vena cava to orifice of inferior vena cava. After that, cut is continued from orifice of superior vena cava toward aorta to transitional fold of pericardium, and from orifice of inferior vena cava cut is continued to apex of right ventricle. Points for fixation of pericardium to skin wound are selected on time of conventional clock face. Point, lying on the edge of skin wound on the straight line, passing through the centre of conventional circumference of skin wound, perpendicularly to diaphragmatic nerve in distal direction from it, is taken for 12 oclock. Distal from diaphragmatic nerve pericardium layer is moved upward and fixed with three sutures. Edge of transitional fold of pericardium above aorta is fixed on 11 oclock. Middle of edge of cut parallel to diaphragmatic nerve is fixed on 12 oclock. Edge of pericardium above apex of right ventricle is fixed in point of 1 oclock. After that proximal layer of pericardium is fixed to edges of skin wound with four sutures: from transitional fold of pericardium - on 8 oclock, from orifice of SVC - on 7 oclock, middle of edge of cut parallel to diaphragmatic nerve - on 6 oclock, from orifice of IVC - on 5 oclock. After that ascending aorta, SBC and IVC are cannulated directly through wound.EFFECT: invention is aimed at reduction of operation space depth with reliable fixation of heart position, increase of operation action angle, optimal visualisation of aorta, SVC and IVC.2 dwg, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к кардиохирургии. Выполняют правую переднебоковую миниторакотомию. Вначале перикард разрезают параллельно диафрагмальному нерву от устья верхней полой вены до устья нижней. Затем от устья верхней полой вены разрез продолжают по направлению к аорте до переходной складки перикарда, а о