Providing methods for maintaining the ovaries of marine fish and obtaining fertilized eggs. A method for maintaining an ovary in which ovaries are removed from marine fish and ovaries or fragmented ovaries are cultured in a culture medium. Also, a method for obtaining a fertilized egg of a marine fish, characterized in that ovaries maintained after removal are ovulated and artificially inseminated. Furthermore, the present invention relates to a method for maintaining fertility of oviposition eggs of marine fish using the culture solution. According to the present invention, fertilized eggs of marine fish can be easily obtained, and seedlings can be efficiently produced.海産魚類の卵巣の維持方法、及び受精卵取得方法の提供。海産魚類より卵巣を摘出し、卵巣又は断片化された卵巣を培養液中で培養する卵巣の維持方法。また、摘出後維持した卵巣を排卵させ人工授精させることを特徴とする、海産魚類の受精卵取得方法。さらに、前記培養液を用いた海産魚類の排卵卵の受精能維持方法に関する。本発明により、海産魚類の受精卵取得が容易となり、効率的に種苗を生産することができる。