593015 A cartridge (900) that can be inserted into a medicament dispenser for solid medicament portions (T) and that is designed with a reservoir for receiving the medicament portions, comprising a tolerance compensation plug (970) that sits with a frictional fit in the reservoir, that is movable in the axial direction, and that serves as a transport safety mechanism for preventing movement of the medicament portions during storage and transport of the cartridge. The tolerance compensation plug has at least one locking means (972) for locking onto a profile (975) located on the inside wall of the reservoir of the cartridge, and a tablet rider (960) which is movable in the axial direction in the reservoir and which engages through at least one axial slit in the cartridge and with which a force acting in the axial direction is transferred to the medicament portions in the cartridge, thus serving to hold down a column-shaped arrangement of medicament portions. The tolerance compensation plug is pressed onto the column-shaped arrangement of medicament portions and the tablet rider.