This invention relates to a method for analyzing and assessing brain region activation degree, comprising the steps of: firstly providing a program database for storing the data required by this method then, acquiring the detection information of a cerebrum activation degree that comprises the current or the magnetic flux corresponding to respective blocks of cerebrum then, calculating and transforming the detection information into corresponding symbols and quantities that are stored in the program database and displayed on a display device and calculating a corresponding score according to the corresponding symbols, quantities and levels of each block of cerebrum that are cooperated with suitable parameters.一種腦區域活化程度的分析及評估方法,其步驟包含,首先提供一程式資料庫,用以儲存本方法所需的資料;再取得一大腦活化程度的檢測資訊,此檢測資訊包括對應於各別的大腦區塊的電流量或磁通量;接著計算並轉換檢測資訊為對應的符號與數量儲存於程式資料庫並顯示在一顯示裝置上;以及根據該些各大腦區塊之對應的符號與數量、等級,搭配適合的參數計算出對應的分數。步驟S10~S50‧‧‧方法流程