[MEANS FOR SOLVING PROBLEMS] Curing time a dental curable composition to 120 minutes 30 seconds A dental curable composition of the present invention, compounds having an acidic group in A) molecule, the dental curable composition, (B ) polymerizable monomer, (C) an organic amine compound and contains (D) a sulfur-containing reducing compound, 0.01 to 80 parts by weight, the content of the component (A) in the dental curable composition, 21 to 99.8 parts by weight content of the component (B) 0.01 to 30 parts by weight, the content of component (C), the content of component (D) is contained in an amount of from 0 to 30 parts by weight (However, the compound corresponding to a plurality of (D) above (A) ~ addition. to 100 parts by weight of the total of the (A) ~ (D) is the component dental curable composition characterized in that it has and the content of each component in the corresponding parts by weight divided by the number of components to the appropriate parts of the compound, if present). [Effect] In accordance with the present invention, it is possible without using a polymerization initiator of peroxide type, in a region relatively low temperature near body temperature, to cure the composition, sealability, adhesion is good.[解決手段]本発明の歯科用硬化性組成物は硬化時間が30秒~120分の歯科用硬化性組成物であり、該歯科用硬化性組成物が、A)分子内に酸性基を有する化合物、(B)重合性単量体、(C)有機アミン化合物および(D)含硫黄還元化合物を含有し、該歯科用硬化性組成物中における(A)成分の含有量が0.01~80重量部、(B)成分の含有量が21~99.8重量部、(C)成分の含有量が0.01~30重量部、(D)成分の含有量が0~30重量部の量で含有されていることを特徴とする歯科用硬化性組成物(ただし、上記(A)~(D)成分の合計を100重量部とする。また上記(A)~(D)の複数に該当する化合物が存在する場合にはその化合物の重量部を該当する成分の数で割った重量部を該当する成分ごとの含有量とする)。[効果]本発明によれば、過酸化物系の重合開始剤を用いずに、体温付近の比較的低温領域で、組成物を硬化させることができ、シール性、接着性も良好である。