1. An intraocular lens (IOL) soderzhaschayaoptiku having an anterior surface and a posterior surface, said optic having a central refractive region for providing one refractive focusing power idifraktsionnuyu region disposed on one of said surfaces so as to provide short- and long-focus power, wherein the diffractive region comprises a plurality of diffractive zones separated from each other by a plurality of stages, and wherein the first step differs in height from the second step so that the change in F at the central refractive region for providing increased light focusing effect refraktsii.2. IOL of claim 1, wherein each of said front and rear surfaces includes a central refractive oblast.3. IOL of claim 2, wherein said central refractive region of any of the front and back surface having a diameter in the range from about 0.5 mm to about 2 mm.4. IOL of claim 2, wherein said central refractive region of each of said front and rear surface has a substantially spherical profil.5. IOL of claim 4, wherein said diffractive region outside of said central refractive region has a substantially aspheric base profil.6. IOL of claim 2, wherein the diffractive region at least partially surrounds the central refractive region of the surface on which it raspolozhena.7. IOL of claim 1, wherein said long focus power of the diffractive region corresponds substantially said refractive focusing power provided by the central refractive region optiki.8. IOL of claim 1, wherein said optic comprises an outer refractive1. Интраокулярная линза (ИОЛ), содержащаяоптику, имеющую переднюю поверхность и заднюю поверхность, причем указанная оптика имеет центральную рефракционную область для обеспечения одной фокусирующей силы рефракции идифракционную область, расположенную на одной из указанных поверхностей с тем, чтобы обеспечить коротко- и длиннофокусные силы, при этом дифракционная область содержит множество дифракционных зон, отделенных друг от друга множеством ступеней, и где первая ступ