A device is used to temporarily compress the nasolacrimal ducts to reduce outflow of eyedrop during and after eyedrop instillation. The device is to be hand bended to snuggly fit any adult head sizes with any facial features so that the nose pads may apply firm pressure over the nasal aspect of the orbital rim where nasolacrimal ducts lay underneath the skin. The pressure delivered by the device is consistent and is controllable by the user. The device incluses failure mechanism to protect against excessive pressure. By keeping eyedrops in the eye, medication absorption is improved and bitter taste due to eydrop outflow is reduced or eliminated. It alleviates the burden of manual nasolacrimal occlusion currently practiced by eye patients and is best for frequent, multiple eyedrops users.一種裝置,其用於暫時壓迫鼻淚管,以在眼藥水滴注期間或之後減少眼藥水的流出。用手彎折該裝置以緊貼地配合具有任何面部特徵的任何成人頭部大小,使得鼻墊可以在鼻淚管位於皮膚下方之處在眼窩邊緣的鼻部方面上施加牢固的壓力。由該裝置傳遞的壓力是恒定的,並且能夠由使用者控制。該裝置包括失效機制,以保護免受過大壓力的影響。通過保持眼藥水在眼睛中,改善了藥物吸收,並且減少或消除了由於眼藥水流出而引起的苦澀味道。其緩解了眼科患者當前實施的手動鼻淚阻塞的負擔,並且對於頻繁、多次眼藥水使用者而言是最佳的。1‧‧‧裝置框架中心點2‧‧‧彎曲鼻墊部段3‧‧‧前額部段4‧‧‧顳部段5‧‧‧鈎圈緊固帶