Chastnoe uchrezhdenie obrazovatelnaya organizatsiya vysshego obrazovaniya "Meditsinskij universitet "Reaviz"
Sofronov Matvej Vitalevich (RU),Софронов Матвей Витальевич (RU),Markov Igor Ivanovich (RU),Марков Игорь Иванович (RU),Bulanov Sergej Ivanovich (RU),Буланов Сергей Иванович (RU),Burov Sergej Ivanovich
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to surgical dentistry, and is applicable in treating patients with dental implants. After preparing the patient and performing anesthesia, an incision is made along the alveolar ridge, vestibular and palatine or tongue flaps are peeled off, plugs are unscrewed and gingival formers are placed on dental implants. A free connective-tissue autograft is sampled from one of the donor areas located on the upper jaw – palate, upper jawbone or toothless section of the alveolar process. That is followed by placing the free connective-tissue autograft into a dispersed solution of "LitAr" material for 10 minutes, and then placed between gingival shapers with a greater turn of its turn to bone tissue and fixed in the recipient area by the mattress sutures, first to the vestibular flap, then to palatine or lingual, and so that lateral end of free connective-tissue autograft is brought under vestibular flap, and medial – under palatine or lingual. It is then immobilized on the alveolar crest by three crosswise sutures mesial, distally and medially, each of which passes through a free connective-tissue autograft, and after wound closure is injected with a dispersed solution of "LitAr" material into a transient fold in the area of surgical intervention, thereby initiating angiogenesis.EFFECT: method allows reducing the lifespan of the autograft and reducing its necrotising probability.1 cl, 6 dwg, 1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к хирургической стоматологии, и предназначено для использования при лечении больных с использованием дентальных имплантатов. После подготовки пациента и проведения анестезии проводят разрез по альвеолярному гребню, отслаивают вестибулярный и небный или язычный лоскуты, выкручивают заглушки и устанавливают формирователи десны на дентальные имплантаты. Производят забор свободного соединительнотканного аутотрансплантата из одной из донорских зон, расположенных на верхней челюсти - не