Levocarrimycin, in which said levocarrimycin is a mixture of isovalerilespiramicin III, II and I as the main components and contains certain isobutyrylpyrazyrazine III and II, butyrylpyrazpyramine III and II, propionylpyrazine III and II, as well as acetylpyramycin III and II, being among them , the content of isovalerilespiramicin III not less than 30% by weight, the total content of isovalerilespiramicin III, II and I not less than 60% by weight and the content of acylpyrazine 80 to 98% by weight; the specific optical rotation of said levocarrimycin [α] D>; = -52 ° to -57 ° in the solution of 0.02 g / ml of chloroform at a temperature of 25 ° C, in which isovalerilespiramycin III is a crystalline compound of levoisovalerilespiramycin III, isovalerilespiramicin II is a crystalline compound of levoisovalerilespiramycin II, isovalerilespiramycin I is a crystalline compound of levoisovalerilespiramicin I; in which the crystalline compound of isovalerilespiramycin III measured by diffraction of X-ray powder with Cu-K-alpha radiation has characteristic peaks of 2Θ to 8.0º, 10.0º, 11.2º, 11.7º, 16, 4th, 19.1º, 19.6º, 20.0º, 21.4º, 22.9º, 23.6º and 29.4º; The crystalline compound of isovalerilespiramycin II measured by diffraction of X-ray powder with Cu-K-alpha radiation has characteristic peaks of 2Θ to 10.0º, 11.6º, 16.4º, 17.3º, 19.1º, 21 , 2nd, 22.1º, 22.7º, 26.4º, 26.9º, 27.5º and 31.5º; The crystalline compound of isovalerilespiramycin I measured by X-ray powder diffraction with Cu-K-alpha radiation has characteristic peaks of 2Θ at 7.6º, 8.0º, 10.0º, 11.4º, 16.4º, 17 , 0º, 17.5º, 17.9º, 19.5º, 22.7º, 23.7º and 24.4º.Levocarrimicina, en la que dicha levocarrimicina es una mezcla de isovalerilespiramicina III, II y I como componentes principales y contiene determinadas isobutirilespiramicina III y II, butirilespiramicina III y II, propionilespiramicina III y II, así como acetilespiramicina III y II, siendo, entre las mismas, el contenido de la isovalerilespiramici