1. A method for determining patterns associated with cardiac arrhythmias, comprising: processing the first derivative of the cardiac pulse in a number of the first time point as compared with the second derivative of the cardiac pulse in a number of second time points for determining a number of pairs of coordinates of the first cardiac pulse in comparison with second cardiac pulse, and determining the index pattern that exceeds the threshold value, the index patterns showing zoom in battening congruence certain number of coordinate pairs cardiac pulse between the first and second cardiac impulsom.2. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the congruence shows approximate repetition of at least part of a plurality of coordinate pairs within a certain confidence intervala.3. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the first heart and second heart pulse pulse represent the first time series voltage and a second voltage time series in said poryadke.4. A method according to Claim. 1, characterized in that the derivative of the first derivative of the cardiac pulse, and a second heart pulse are in the same time and prostranstve.5. A method according to claim 1 which further includes: a. The construction of a number of pairs of coordinates isoedinenie certain number of pairs of coordinates in order to generate a certain amount tsiklov.6. The method of claim. 5, characterized in that the index patterns showing approximate congruence between a number tsiklov.7. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the first derivative of the cardiac them1. Способ определения закономерности, связанной с нарушением ритма сердца, включающий:обработку производной первого сердечного импульса в некотором количестве первых временных точек по сравнению с производной второго сердечного импульса в некотором количестве вторых временных точек для определения некоторого количество пар координат первого сердечного импульса по сравнению со вторым сердечным импульсом, иопределение инде