The application of zeolites in the purification process of beeswax from impurities and antibiotics to give the wax used in the leather industry, wood, textiles, perfumery, cosmetics, art, alternative treatment of many different diseases (asthma, indigestion, gums, tooth decay, the navel of the newborn, rheumatism, periodontitis, sinuses, ears, cough, wounds, etc.). It is very important to the creation of foundations for beehives, as well as cosmetics and treatment of beeswax used wax with high quality, free of impurities, especially without antibiotics. Application of zeolites in the process of purification is made of wax wax that is economical, easy, cheaper and ecological point of much healthier method than the method where the only discoloration by adding chemicals to the wax. Wax previously acquitted of major impurity so heated and zeolite added dimension of 1µm to 1mm, in an amount of 1-25%. A mixture of melted wax is mixed with zeolite 0d 1 to 1 hour. A method of separation of the purified beeswax zeolite can be carried out by filtration and decantation. Purification by applying beeswax zeolite impurities and antibiotics are present in the wax completely eliminated, without the addition of chemicals. The method of application of zeolite in the zeolite with a new amount can optionally be repeated several times.Primenom zeolita u postupku pročišćavanja pčelinjeg voska od nečistoća i antibiotika se dobija vosak koji se upotrebljava u industriji kože, drveta, tekstila, parfimeriji, kozmetici, umetnosti, alternativnom lečenju od velikog broja različitih oboljenja (astma, varenje, desni, karijes, pupak novorođenčeta, reuma, paradentoza, sinusi, uši, kašalj, rane, itd.). Jako je važno da se u izradu satnih osnova za košnice, kao i u kozmetici i lečenju pčelinjim voskom koristi vosak visokog kvaliteta, bez nečistoća, a naročito bez antibiotika. Primenom zeolita u postupku prečišćavanja voska se dobija vosak koji je ekonomičan, jednostavan, jeftiniji i sa ekološkog sta