Refers to a Pharmaceutical composition comprising flavonoids between 0.5% to 20% by weight of Condensed Tannins or proanthocyanidins from 2% to 20% by weight and gamma Aminobutyric acid (GABA) between 0.3% to 60% by weight of the total composition. You can also include a 50% extract of Humulus lupulus and vitamins e and B.Said composition is in the form of liquid inhalation, Patch, tablet, Capsule, injection and \/ or gel. Said composition is useful in the treatment of urinary incontinence and bed WettingREFERIDA A UNA COMPOSICION FARMACEUTICA QUE COMPRENDE FLAVONOIDES ENTRE EL 0,5% A 20% EN PESO, TANINOS CONDENSADOS O PROANTOCIANIDINAS ENTRE EL 2% A 20% EN PESO Y ACIDO GAMMA-AMINOBUTIRICO (GABA) ENTRE EL 0,3% A 60% EN PESO, SOBRE EL TOTAL DE LA COMPOSICION. TAMBIEN PUEDE COMPRENDER DESDE 50% DE UN EXTRACTO DE HUMULUS LUPULUS Y VITAMINAS E Y B. DICHA COMPOSICION SE PRESENTA BAJO LA FORMA DE LIQUIDO INHALABLE, PARCHE, COMPRIMIDO, CAPSULA, INYECTABLE Y/O GEL. DICHA COMPOSICION ES UTIL EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE LA INCONTINENCIA URINARIA Y ENURESIS