Pharmaceutical composition comprising Snail Helix aspersa Muller (20-50%), Chamomile extract (1 - 4%), propolis (1 - 4%) and Additives, Excipients and / or with a viscosity of 10 to 1000 Pa s, Lotion, Cream, gel or soap; procedure to obtain it; and its use to prevent or tra Tar pathologies of rosacea.
The invention relates to a pharmaceutical composition consisting of snail slime Helix aspersa muller (Cryptomphalus aspersus) (20% to 50%), camomile extract (1-4%), propolis 1l-4%), and pharmaceutically acceptable excipients and/or additives for forming a formulation of low, intermediate or high viscosity (10 to 1000 Pa-s). Said composition is in the form of a lotion, soap, cream or gel, which is embedded in a gauze-type fabric in the form of a plaster that can be applied to lesions caused by the different types of rosacea. The composition can also contain natural extracts such as marigold extract, honey and vegetable oils. The invention also relates to the method for producing the composition and to the use thereof for preparing a medicament or device for preventing, treating or curing lesions caused by rosacea, on the skin of the face or the body.<;p>;LA SOLICITUD SE REFIERE A UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA EN FORMA DE CREMA, LOCIÓ;N, JABÓ;N O GEL QUE COMPRENDE BABA DE CARACOL HÉ;LIX ASPERSA MÜ;LLER (20 A 50%), EXTRACTO DE MANZANILLA (1 A 4%), PROPÓ;LEO (1 A 4 %), ADITIVOS Y/O EXCIPIENTES QUE LE OTORGAN UNA VISCOSIDAD DE 10 A 1000 PA-S; PROCEDIMIENTO DE OBTENCIÓ;N Y SU USO PARA TRATAR O PREVENIR LAS ROSÁ;CEAS<;/p>;