The invention relates to a device for female sexual stimulation, including a vibrating means (5) for stimulating the clitoris and based internally on a clip-type element or pincers (1) which include a head having two facing semicircular segments (2, 2) which define a central hole (4) housing the vibrating medium (5), and which extend to join a curved handle (3) which acts as an elastic element for closing the head. The circular segments (2, 2) respectively incorporate semicircular lugs (21, 22) that extend towards the inside of the head and project perpendicularly to form a means for gently pinching the clitoris. The assembly formed by the head (2, 2), the handle (3) and the vibrating means (5) is covered by an upper casing (7) and a lower casing (8), which comprise a central hole (11) that matches a hole (6) in the area of the handle, so as to allow vaginal penetration once the device is arranged in place above the pubis. It also has a hole (12) that matches the central hole of the head (2, 2) for facilitating the contact of the clitoris with the vibrating means (5). Furthermore, the lower casing (8) includes long projections (13, 13) on both sides, which project outwards so as to cooperate in the opening of the lips of the vagina. The device facilitates and increases sexual stimulation by means of vibration and the gentle pinching of the clitoris, while slightly opening the lips of the vagina so as to ensure that the clitoris comes into contact with the vibrating element, enabling penetration without having to remove the device.Dispositivo de estimulación sexual femenino que incluye un medio vibrador (5) para la estimulación del clítoris y que se conforma internamente en base a una pinza o tenaza (1) que incluye un cabezal con dos segmentos semicirculares enfrentados (2, 2) que definen un hueco central (4) donde se aloja el medio vibrador (5), y que se prolongan para unirse a un mango curvo (3), el cual actúa como elemento elástico de cierre del cabezal. Los segme