1. A method of treating viral infections comprising administering a composition to a subject infected with mature dendritic cells, activated T-helper cell, cytolytic T cells and of at least one other type leykotsitov.2. A method of treating a viral infection, comprising: (a) incubating leukocytes in terms of time and temperature sufficient to activate leukocytes (B) culturing the activated leukocytes in the supporting medium under conditions of time and temperature, which induces maturation of dendritic cells in the composition and (c) administering a composition comprising the dendritic cells into a subject to thereby carry out treatment of viral infektsii.3. A method of treating a viral infection, comprising: (a) incubating nepokoyaschihsya leukocytes in the supporting medium under conditions of time and temperature, which induces maturation of dendritic cells in the composition and (b) administering a composition comprising a dendritic cell, in a subject, to thereby carry out the treatment of viral infektsii.4. A method of treating a viral infection, comprising (a) preparing a composition comprising mature dendritic cells when pomoschii) of leukocytes, ii) allowing leukocytes to pass from a resting to an active state by maintaining leukocytes at room temperature of from about 8 to about 20 hours, iii) subjecting the leukocytes hypoosmotic shock, and iv) incubating leukocytes subjected to shock from 36 hours to 14 days in maintenance medium, resulting in a composition which comprises a mature DC and (b) administering a composition comprising a dendritic cell in the subject, thereby to carry out treatment of viral infektsii.5. The method claim1. Способ лечения вирусной инфекции, включающий введение инфицированному субъекту композиции зрелых дендритных клеток, активированных Т-хелперов, цитолитических Т-клеток и по меньшей мере одного другого типа лейкоцитов.2. Способ лечения вирусной инфекции, включающий: (а) инкубирование лейкоцитов в условиях времени и температур