Among these viruses, the sacbrood virus (SBV) infection had resulted in a large amount of honey bee colonies and honey harvest losses. SBV is a single stranded, positive-sense RNA virus and belonging to the Iflaviridae. SBV could be identified by the special symptom of death deformed larvae in the hives, which had fluid-filled sacs and sometimes with slightly sour smell. There are many studies described that A. cerana was susceptible to SBV and had a high virulence. SBV infection usually caused a large amount of A. cerana larvae death and even led to the whole colony losses occurred in China, India, South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam. However, the infection of SBV is not usually resulting in A. mellifera colony losses, due to its different virulence between A. cerana and A. mellifera. The infected larvae were diagnosed by RT-PCR, partial VP1 was sequenced and analyzed by NCBI BLASTn to confirm the causative pathogen. Total twenty-three partial VP1 sequences were obtained in this study; the results confirmed that the causative pathogen was A. cerana SBV (AcSBV). Comparison of the partial VP1 sequences with those of the known AcSBVs showed the high nucleotide sequence identities (92.4-100%). Besides herb medicine and chemical drug Amantadine, the collection of Taiwan-specific medium sacbrood virus (SBV) as an antigen for the preparation of subsequent immunoglobulin production, is really an efficiency treatment method today. The ultimate goal of this patent is to hope that Taiwan can make exclusive Chinese herbal medicine and globulin nutrient solution.在中蜂造成極高死亡率的囊狀幼蟲病是蜜蜂囊狀病毒(sacbrood bee virus,SBV)所引起,SBV病毒是一種正鏈核糖核酸單股RNA病毒(positive-sense ssRNA virus),最初是在西洋蜂體上發現,但自1976年開始在許多東南亞國家發現東方蜂也會感染此種病毒。在東方蜂和西洋蜂發現的病毒血清型不同,兩者不能互相感染,也因此在東方蜂發現的病毒稱為東方蜂囊狀病毒(A.cerara sacbrood bee virus,AcSB或CSBV)。AcSBV的活性極強,在室內可存活長達3個月,一隻幼蟲感染死亡後,病毒在體內的病毒量,可以再使3000隻幼蟲染病。目前認為工蜂是病毒傳播的媒介,病毒會造成幼蟲及成蟲死亡,但對工蜂而言,通常是病毒在體內增殖,沒有明顯的病癥。不過也由於病毒在初期低量時容易被輕忽,但病毒量一旦快速增殖時,通常無力搶救,蜂群會大量死亡及逃蜂;中囊病毒(SBV)在義大利蜂使得幼蟲無法化蛹,皮下形成囊狀物,