The present application relates to the use of a solid material comprising a matrix, dispersed in which are microparticles comprising or consisting of at least one antimicrobial agent for preventing, limiting and/or eliminating the contamination of said material and/or the contamination of a composition which is in contact with said material for at least a given time, and/or preventing, eliminating and/or slowing down the formation of biofilms on the surface of said material, wherein the antimicrobial agent is an oxide of at least one positively charged metal ion and the antimicrobial agent does not migrate out of said material. The application also relates to the use of such material for manufacturing an article, to the process for manufacturing said article, and to the article obtained. In particular, the article is selected from stoppers, lids, seals, caps, covers, plugs and valves intended for sealing bottles, flasks, jars, cans, canisters, barrels, tanks, or various containers used for packaging and/or storing food products, dietetic products, cosmetic products, dermatological products or pharmaceutical products.La présente demande concerne lutilisation dun matériau solide comprenant une matrice dans laquelle sont dispersées des microparticules comprenant ou constituées dau moins un agent antimicrobien pour prévenir, limiter et/ou supprimer la contamination dudit matériau et/ou la contamination dune composition qui est en contact avec ledit matériau pendant au moins un temps donné, et/ou prévenir, supprimer et/ou ralentir la formation de biofilms à la surface dudit matériau, dans laquelle lagent antimicrobien est un oxyde dau moins un ion métallique chargé positivement et lagent antimicrobien ne migre pas à lextérieur dudit matériau. La demande concerne également lutilisation dun tel matériau pour fabriquer un article, le procédé de fabrication dudit article, et larticle obtenu. En particulier, larticle est choisi parmi des bouchons, des opercules, des joints, d