The present invention, without such amide groups, prominent blood components adsorption ability, in particular a proinflammatory cytokine adsorbability, and to provide an adsorption carrier having a high solvent resistance and heat resistance, as well as to introduce the desired functional groups on the surface of the support in one step, it is possible to crosslink the aromatic rings, and has an object to provide a method for producing the adsorption carrier. The present invention consists of one or more polymer compounds having at least two repeating units containing an aromatic ring, said aromatic rings may, for adsorption are covalently linked via a structure represented by the following general formula (I) It provides the carrier.[R 1 represents hydrogen or an organic group, R 2 represents an organic group. ]本発明は、アミド基等の有無に関わらず、顕著な血液成分吸着能、特に炎症性サイトカイン吸着能を有し、かつ、高い耐溶媒性及び耐熱性を備えた吸着用担体を提供すること、並びに、一工程で担体の表面に所望の官能基を導入し、芳香環同士を架橋できる、吸着用担体の製造方法を提供することを目的としている。本発明は、芳香環を含む繰り返し単位を2以上有する1種類以上の高分子化合物からなり、上記芳香環同士は、下記一般式(I)で示される構造を介して共有結合されている吸着用担体を提供する。[R1は水素又は有機基を表し、R2は有機基を表す。]