The first part of this invention, is to publish a process and a number of equipment, using conductivity (S) and PLC to control humidity, pressure, aroma, oxidation and dew points to process the He Luo (the original Han) people traditional (Black Dragon 烏龍茶) tea. Because we process tea with modern scientific data, the first time in history that we have created “Rocky Mountains Aroma” green tea at any time, regardless raining or not.The second part of this invention is using solar energy and enclosed hydrodynamic constant temperature to roast tea leaves. The equipment invented here can save 70-95% of energy from conventional tea making methods.This invention belongs to high-tech fields in energy saving, low carbon emission, and environment friendly processing. Note: This invention is not suitable for non He Huo green tea and/or tea buds.本發明第一部分公開一種通過導電率(S,西門子)等科學資料,在河洛人所留傳一千多年的傳統製茶工藝過程中,克服並完善了對茶葉濕度、壓力、溢香、氧化及冷凝露點等方面未知領域的操控,能夠以PLC(Programmable Logic Control)精確地掌握全天候生產技術,將千百年來雨天不能採茶、製茶的金科玉律轉變為歷史。本發明第二部分,首創全封閉太陽能恆溫烘焙的製茶工藝及設備,造就了洛磯香綠茶,保香、保綠的特種品質。因為利用太陽能與烘培高溫氣體的重複使用,本發明可節省70%-95%的能源,屬於綠茶、紅茶及烏龍茶環保、節能、低碳加工工藝及裝備技術領域。發明的第一部分,對講究美觀非河洛人的綠茶與芽茶不適用。箭頭的方向代表過程中的流向