Latching system and automatic belt clasps lock grip bars for lifting people, fixed or mobile, for the transfer of patients; It said system comprising devices (1) each associated with a finishing belt (2) and interlocked with gripping bar (3) being; wherein each device (1) consists of: - a hook (11, 12) secured to a point other than the bar grip (3) and provided with an opening (13, 14) arranged for passage of the snap belt (2) thereof; - a ring (15) adapted to slide on said hook and having an opening (16) also arranged for the passage of the fastener strap (2) thereof; that the opening (16) of the ring (15) when the locking device is in "open" position, is positioned opposite the opening (13, 14) of hook (11, 12) which is associated, so to let the pin belt (2); that the opening (13,14) of the hook (11, 12) corresponding, when the locking device is in "closed" position, is sealed by the part (17, 18) of the safety ring body (15) that is associated; and that the step position "open device" a "closed device" is realized by means of snap belt (2) which causes the corresponding ring (15) to slide effect only the weight of the patient and the remains in the locking position, ie the opening (13, 14) of hook (11, 12) sealed by the body of said ring, and all while the patient's weight is active in each snap belt (2) .Sistema de enganche y bloqueo automático de broches de correas en barras de prensión para elevadores de personas, fijos o móviles, destinados al traslado de pacientes; estando dicho sistema constituido por dispositivos (1) asociados cada uno a un broche de correa (2) y solidarizados con la barra de prensión (3); caracterizado porque cada dispositivo (1) está constituido por: - un gancho (11, 12) solidarizado con un punto distinto de la barra de prensión (3) y provisto de una abertura (13, 14) dispuesta para el paso del broche de correa (2) correspondiente; - un anillo de seguridad (15) concebido para deslizarse sobre dicho gancho y provisto de una abertura (16)